NOMS Advanced Neurology | NOMS
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NOMS Advanced Neurology



Our neurologists can diagnose and treat a comprehensive list of disorders and nervous system diseases. They carry a wide array of subspecialties including multiple sclerosis, headache, epilepsy, dizziness and balance disorders, Parkinson's, stroke, and sleep disorders.

Neurodiagnostic Testing

Advanced Neurological Associates offers a comprehensive range of neurodiagnostic testing, including Evoked Potential (EP) Testing, Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyography (EMG), Nerve Conductions Studies (NCS), and Electronystagmography (ENG).

Sleep Lab

Advanced Neurological Associates offers a comprehensive range of neurodiagnostic testing, including Evoked Potential (EP) Testing, Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyography (EMG), Nerve Conductions Studies (NCS), and Electronystagmography (ENG).


We are committed to excellence in electromyography (EMG), an important neurological test being performed at Advanced Neurological Associates. Before an EMG test is administered, the neurologist will conduct a focused neurological history and physical examination in order to customize the test to the patient's unique problem. Our neurologists answer key questions such as "Do the results adequately explain the patient's symptoms?" and "What additional neurological workup or testing is needed? " 

Lumbar Puncture

A lumbar puncture is a medical procedure used to remove and test fluid from the spinal cord. The cerebrospinal fluid, which is crystal clear and looks like water, surrounds the brain and spinal cord and acts as a protective agent and supplies nutrition and also fights off infection. A lumbar puncture is usually performed in a hospital and only requires a brief stay of less than a day.

Neuropsychological Testing

Healthcare providers conduct a number of tests that encompass neuropsychological testing. These mental function tests can help determine diagnoses, cognitive weaknesses, and develop treatment plans and interventions. 

Telemedicine Visits

We're thrilled to be offering you secure video visits. While we love it when you visit us in the office, we understand that it's not always convenient to do so. Video visits allow you to receive the same quality care as you do in the clinic, without taking time off work or finding a sitter to see us. Video visits are appropriate for many types of appointments, especially follow-up and medication questions. Ask your Neurologist to schedule your next appointment as a telemedicine visit!



  1. 5433 State Route 113 East, 113
    Bellevue, OH 44811

    Phone: 419.483.2403
    Fax: 419.483.8418

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  2. 703 Tyler St., 353
    Sandusky, OH 44870

    Phone: 419.483.2403
    Fax: 419.483.8418

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  3. 611 Fulton St, Suite F
    Port Clinton, Ohio 43452

    Phone: 419.483.2403
    Fax: 419.483.8418

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  4. 1100 Neal Zick Rd.
    Willard, OH 44890

    Phone: 419.483.2403
    Fax: 419.483.8418

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These Neurologists have provided excellence in neurological care and pain management for over 30 years and offers a wide array of services.  All our physicians have achieved Board Certification in Neurology through the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.  In addition, several of the physicians are specialized and achieved additional credentials including Certifications in Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Vascular Neurology, Electrophysiology, and Somatosensory Testing.

Our physicians strive to be on the cutting edge of medicine today and are currently participating in several national and international clinical research trials for various conditions. They are an integral part of the interdisciplinary team as they provide the clinical analysis and interpretation of various outcomes.